Instructors: Luke Wroblewski and Tom Chi
$699 per student
This full-day course will teach designers how to contribute to the direction of their company by synthesizing and articulating clear, actionable business and product strategies. Often, growth opportunities for designers are artificially limited by org charts that fail to fully capitalize on the galvanizing role that design can have beyond product or marketing. This course empowers designers by giving them tools to impact strategy by illuminating important decision-drivers like market or user research, web analytics, financials, and product reports.
This hands-on course is created for experienced designers, enabling them to influence and improve strategic decision-making within their department or company. They will learn principles for communicating and influencing strategy, along with practicing skills and techniques through group activities, and working directly with Luke and Tom. This course will maximize a designer’s ability to help their organization make better decisions.
Key skills include:
Pattern recognition
Information visualization
Empathetic articulations of strategy
LukeW is currently Senior Principal of Product Ideation & Design at Yahoo! Inc., and Principal of LukeW Interface Designs. Luke authored the book “Site-Seeing: A Visual Approach to Web Usability” and his online publication, Functioning Form, is an industry-leading resource for design intelligence. Luke taught interface design at the University of Illinois and is a top-rated speaker at conferences around the world.
Tom Chi is a Senior Principal Designer at Yahoo! and has worked as each of Designer, Product Manager, Developer, and Consultant. He was a key design driver on many products, including Yahoo Answers, the new Yahoo Search, Microsoft Outlook, and several other enterprise applications. Tom is a co-creator of OK/Cancel, and has published over 200 comic strips about user experience in a variety of online and printed publications.
Involution Master Academy is the first professional design school that focuses on providing practical, applied, real-world skills in micro-sized classes – never more than nine students per instructor. Every class is taught by a leading expert in their field, providing hands-on learning in a highly interactive setting. Involution Master Academy is specially designed for experienced professionals who take their career seriously.
Official Website:
Added by dknemeyer on September 24, 2007