331 E. Randolph St.
Chicago, Illinois 60601

Join us and the thousands across the country on April 29th as we sleep on the streets of Chicago(this is not limited only to Chicago, it is all over the country. check the 2nd link in the list below to find the city closest to you), joining the children of nothern Uganda and demanding that our government put an end to the longest running war in africa, and one of the worst crises in the world today.


all information can be found at:

(Chicago group is sleeping in section 5 of Grant Park)

The Movement: Global Night Commute
Updated Info

To find out more about Invisible Children Inc. or the Global Night Commute check our website at www.invisiblechildren.com

If you have any questions or comments you can reach us at globalnightcommute@invisiblechildren.com or at (619) 631-0362.

Official Website: http://www.invisiblechildren.com/

Added by a.colon on April 27, 2006

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