392 Havelock Road
Singapore, Central Singapore

Main Conference: 16-17 August 2011

Pre-conference workshop and masterclass: 15 August 2011

Post conference workshops: 18 August 2011

Venue: Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel Singapore

Every year, performance and risk professional from the investment management industry attends this conference to acquire important updates on regulatory framework and methodologies, discuss key issues in the current market and learn best practices to counter new challenges faced.

Key highlights of IPARM Southeast Asia include:

- Focused sessions that will address today’s key concerns: fixed income risk and performance management, alternative assets portfolio analytics and liquidity risk management
- Panel discussions that will gather market leaders to share their perspectives on managing investment risks in emerging markets and generating risk and performance reports
- Case studies on hedge fund risk management, portfolio oversight and market risk management
- Southeast Asia’s largest gathering for performance and risk practitioners, and leading solutions providers to discuss the latest strategies and solutions for enhancing performance and risk management
- Exclusivity: the only event in Southeast Asia that addresses the performance and risk management needs of asset/fund managers, insurance companies, private banks, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds in the region

For registration and further information:
1. Visit us at http://www.iparmasia.com/Event.aspx?id=504908&MAC=UCY
2. Email us at enquiry@iqpc.com.sg with your full contact details
3. Call us at +65 6722 9388

Official Website: http://www.iparmasia.com/Event.aspx?id=504908&MAC=UCY

Added by Linhui Kwek on May 2, 2011

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