10 Huntly Street
Inverness, Scotland IV3 5PR

This events takes place alongside the Pipers Trail event being staged in Inverness on the 28th June. A Parade to be led by the Royal Regiment of Scotland Band. All veterans/Assocations and their Standards alongwith as many youth organisation and schools who wish to parade on the day.

On the Sunday there will be a Drumhead Service in the Northern Meeting Park Inverness. This parade is to be led by the RBLS Pipe Band plus the Royal Regiment of Scotland Band plus the Cameron Highlanders Association Pipe Band.

As on the Saturday as many veterans as possible alongwith the various Cadet Forces, youth groups and schools are welcome.

Name: Mr George Davidson (Chairman)
Phone: 01463 712431
Email: georged9074@yahoo.co.uk

Added by Armed Forces Day on June 9, 2008

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