We will methodically work and teach you a PROVEN method for opening up your intuitive, psychic abilities and centers. You will easily and effortlessly communicate with the Angels, Guides and Masters. This workshop is run by Melissa Feick, Angel Therapy Practitioner certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD. -Learn about the 5th plane where the Angels and Ascended Masters Live -Experience an affective meditation to connect you with the fifth plane -Heighten your intuition quickly and effortlessly -Meet your guides -Learn the secret to giving others and yourself great intuitive readings -Receive group healings to remove blocks from your intuitive abilities -Auras, chakras, healing -Practice readings with other intuitives -Learn to and Practice talking to deceased loved ones in a supportive, safe environment By coming to this class weekly you will feel confident in your intuitive ability. You will have opened up your intuitive centers and visited the planes of the Angels, Masters and guides. This class is for newbie's and the most experienced intuitive. We look forward to learning and playing together! Tonight Mediumship Call 443-396-1282 or email events@InspiredJourneys.com to register
Added by Inspired Journeys on June 25, 2010