425 Broadhollow Rd (Rt110) Melvile
Melvile,, New York 11530

PLEASE NOTE: Visit JPLI official website for much more information, contact info, other classes, activities, etc. at www.jpli.org - This Yahoo listing is NOT our website!

Notice * PLEASE CALL at 516-287-6575 or email: chinesecourse@jpli.org

3 Class Series:

Part I - Introduction to Mandarin Chinese Learning - July 6
Part II – Introduction to Chinese Pin Yin and Tones - July 8
Part III - Student Readings Workshop - July 11th
All 3 Classes Begin at 7pm

Do you think learning Chinese language are too complicated or just too difficult!? Then this is the class you've been waiting for!

Learning Chinese language can be confusing to many beginners and the fact that there are now hundreds of different ways available only adds to the confusion. What way is best for you? How are the tones different? How is the writing system can help you memorize the characters?" This class will clearly explain the ways in which learn Chinese Language can be used effectively - not just for Pin Yin!

As always, your questions and participation are always welcome!

Class Summaries:

Part I: Introduction to Mandarin Chinese Learning

Here you get the solid foundation you understand Chinese language effectively. The various suits and royalty writing system are described in an easy to understand way. After a very brief history of Chinese language origins you will discover that the tones are a tool you can use to further your understanding of Chinese language and cultural, your speak and writing system and see how spiritual truth can be experienced more intimately as a part of your daily life -no matter what language you speak. You get the theory of the language in this first introductory class.

Fee: $20 per session/ $60 total
($50 if class series paid IN ADVANCE
PLUS BONUS: Exclusive series overview, reference & workbook available ONLY from JPLI !)

Part II: Basic expression
This is where theory becomes action! Based on what was learned in the first session of this series you begin using the Pin Yin and the tones to speak and understand the simple conversation .

Part III: Student Workshop

As the title suggests each student will be able to learning more expressions. This will equip you to use the tones comfortably for your speak, read, write, and understand basic Chinese characters. Also you will be able to use dictionary and computer system to look up vocabularies.

Ticket Info: $25 per Session or $60 for advance purchase of all 3 Sessions.
Website: http://www.JPLI.org
Notice * PLEASE CALL at 516-287-6575 or email: chinesecourse@jpli.org

Added by jpli on July 2, 2009

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