You have probably heard all the "Web 2.0" buzzwords: social media, social networking, blogging, micro-blogging, podcasting, wikis, RSS feeds, mashups, citizen journalism. You may already use some of the services: LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Delicious, WordPress, Blogger, Technorati, Digg. But what does Web 2.0 mean for your business?
You can spend months trying to figure this stuff out for yourself, or come to a seminar where an industry professional gives you everything you need to know in one evening. This 90-minute, jargon-free presentation will bring you up to speed quickly on the latest social media technology and show you how it applies to marketing your business. In addition, attendees will receive a prioritized “to-do” list for getting started with social media marketing, a list of authoritative resources and links for further investigation, and access to annotated presentation slides. There will be 30 minutes for questions and discussion following the presentation.
Plus, not only will you learn about Web 2.0 and meet others interested in the topic, your attendance fee is a 100% tax-deductible, charitable donation to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Learn about social media for business while helping to save the lives of those suffering from blood cancer! It’s a winning proposition for everyone involved.
We will look at the different kinds of social media and the major players, paying particular attention to their significance for business. We’ll show how new online technologies make it easy to share information, and what that means for word-of-mouth marketing and the “transparency” and reputation of your business online. We’ll offer a “to-do” list for those who want to use social media to grow their business, including the most important points to consider before building a new website or blog.
One of the most significant implications of Web 2.0 for business is the difference between the old-style, “static” HTML website and the new, social media-enabled website - in terms of flexibility, ease-of-use and search engine optimization. Although there is typically no difference in cost, the social media-enabled website allows you to take advantage of all the latest Web 2.0 technology (much of it free) and this can have a major impact on the effectiveness of your website. A blog is a built-in (but not essential) feature of this new kind of site. We’ll talk about how to decide whether your business needs a blog or not.
Following the 90-minute presentation, there will be 30 minutes for questions and discussion.
C-level executives, marketing communications and IT professionals, business owners, those thinking of starting a business, independent consultants, designers, project managers and others interested in learning the basics of social media for business.
Mark McLaren is an online marketing consultant who has given seminars on social media, blogging for business, Twitter and “How to Create Killer Websites with Little to No Budget“. In 2005, he founded McBuzz Communications LLC, a firm specializing in social media-enabled websites, marketing with Web 2.0 technologies and search engine optimization. He is the creator of Business Blogging 101, a popular website featuring tutorials for WordPress blogging and content management software.
Mark and his wife are raising $7000 to benefit Team In Training, an outstanding fundraising organization run by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). In June, 2009, they will each complete a half ironman triathlon as part of this effort. To date, they have raised nearly $4000. You can help them reach their goal by attending this Web 2.0 seminar, learning what social media means to your business, and making a 100% tax-deductible donation of $75 to LLS.
Of course, if you can’t make the seminar (or the triathlon in Victoria, British Columbia!), but you would like to offer your support, we would love to add your donation to the cause. It’s easy and takes only a few minutes - not like a combined 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike ride and 13 mile run!
Official Website:
Added by mcbuzz on May 27, 2009