Intro to Self Defense
Ever want to learn a martial art but never had time before? Want to feel that you can defend yourself if approached in an adverse situation? Want to do something for yourself? Would you know what to do if someone or someone you love was being hurt?
Unlike so many problems in the world, this is one that you can actually do something about. You CAN learn to defend yourself. You CAN feel more confident. You CAN learn to face down an attacker.
New York Jiu Jitsu is offering a self defense class FOR EVERYONE. This is an intensive, four-week experience. You will learn about the strong points of your own body, the weak points of your attacker's body, how to defend yourself from the ground, how to escape from a grab or a choke, and what to do if you are attacked with a knife. Most importantly, you will learn the mindset to TAKE CONTROL of the situation.
New York Jiu Jitsu is known for its monthly Rape Prevention Seminars which we offer to the community. All instructors are certified black belts in Jiu Jitsu.
Course begins: May 3, 2004
Meeting times: Monday and Wednesday, 7:00-8:00pm
We are conveniently located at 577 Broadway between Houston and Prince. We offer a clean, safe environment for learning. General martial arts courses and kids courses also available.
Added by nyjiujitsu on April 24, 2004