125 12th Street; Suite 400
Oakland, California 94607


There is agreement in the Java community that EJBs often introduce more problems than they solve. Now there is a major trend toward lightweight technologies such as Hibernate, Spring, JDO, iBATIS, and others, all of which allow the developer to work directly with the simpler Plain Old Java Objects, or POJOs. Bowing to the new consensus, EJB 3 now also works with POJOs.

In this workshop you will learn how to get started with POJO development. You will get an overview of the Spring and Hibernate frameworks. This workshop also describes techniques for introducing POJOs into EJB applications.

-Overview of POJOs and non-invasive frameworks
-Persisting objects with object/relational mapping frameworks such as Hibernate
-Managing transactions with Spring
-Getting started with POJOs

$20 for members, $30 for non-members, $35 at the door.

Website: http://www.ebig.org/events/event.aspx?id=738&old=
Email: laura@chrisrichardson.net
Phone: 510-904-9832

Official Website: http://www.ebig.org/events/event.aspx?id=738&old=+

Added by FullCalendar on April 8, 2006

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