NOWness!! WOWness!! Introduction to Mindfulness Classes
Been curious and intrigued by “The Secret”?
“What The Bleep” have you questioning things?
“The Power of Now” sound like a good time?
Give Mindfulness a try and learn new ways to see yourself and the world.
Mindfulness, like meditation, has many definitions. Some speak of it as “Moment to Moment Awareness” while others have defined it as "Being Present" or “Being in the Now". Regardless of which definition you choose, its power resides in its benefits which are universal.
Some of these benefits can include: anxiety and stress reduction including stress related physical symptoms, improvements in focus and concentration, an ability to more evenly approach life’s many challenges, greater feelings of peace and serenity, a more optimistic outlook on life and spiritual insight and fulfillment regardless of your spiritual affiliation.
A new multi-week seminar focused on Mindfulness will be offered on Sunday evenings in April and May. (Dates and Locations still being finalized)
The class will consist of:
• Discussions on mindfulness and meditation
• Fun and insightful mindfulness exercises
• Mindfulness homework
• Video presentations
• and more....
Dates: Sundays in April and May (starting April 19th): The classes will be 1 to 1&1/2 in length beginning at 6:30PM.
Location: The class will be taught in the Kensington area. Location will be provided once you have been confirmed for the class.
Total Cost: $5 per class
Official Website:
Added by mhbrooks on April 4, 2009