UPDATE!! Recap of this event is now available and includes video, slide deck and photos: http://www.ablognotlimited.com/articles/webuquerque-introduction-to-microformats/
Microformats are simple, open design patterns based on existing standards — HTML — that are used to add semantics to common web content, such as that about people, places, events and links.
More than semantic meaning, though, microformats have a wide range of benefits, including SEO, standards compliance and extensible data publishing. Some of the biggest sites on the Web today use microformats: Google, Yahoo!, Twitter and Facebook, to name a few. And you can too!
In this presentation, you will learn the basics you need to start publishing microformats on your own web site. Local microformats expert and Webuquerque co-manager, Emily Lewis, will discuss the history and basic premise of microformats, and will show examples of common microformats. She will also demonstrate some of the tools available that leverage microformats for machine data.
Presentation to be followed by socializing at Uptown for those folks who want to stick around.
Emily Lewis has over 10 years of experience working as a web professional. Currently, she is the front-end developer/web designer for Pitney Bowes Business Insight, where she develops and maintains public sites, intranets, electronic newsletters and emails for marketing campaigns.
During the tenure of her web career, she has also worked as a back-end developer using ASP and ColdFusion, as well as a project manager for custom web applications. She specializes in semantic XHTML and CSS, accessibility and usability.
Emily writes about web design (and other topics) at A Blog Not Limited (http://ablognotlimited.com), and is currently writing a book about microformats (available for pre-order from Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0321660773/).
Introduction to Microformats is also available on:
* Webuquerque: http://webuquerque.com/Events/Introduction-Microformats.php
* Duke City Fix: http://www.dukecityfix.com/events/introduction-to-microformats
* Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=115587838180
* Adobe User Groups: http://groups.adobe.com/posts/7608c33a3f
Official Website: http://webuquerque.com/Events/Introduction-Microformats.php
Added by emilylewis on August 11, 2009