Join us and discover the beauty and the magic of Hawaii’s Huna tradition. Huna is the original science of healing and spiritual development of the Hawaiian people. The word “Huna” means “secret” or “hidden”. The system is said to be over 35,000 years old with links to the continent of Lemuria. Huna is a system of personal development, a practice, a healing methodology, and a state of “Being”. Some have called it a “psycho-spiritual” tradition. Although it is an ancient practice, it has a modern application. Huna offers methodologies to clear and heal relationship with ourselves and others. It offers strategies to replenish, maintain, and direct "Mana" or life force energy. The teachings provide guidance about how to connect with and live your purpose, manifest your Divine potential, and live in harmony with the environment and other living things. In this introductory course, we will focus upon various Huna traditions, the Huna concept of the 3 selves, Mana (life force), the 7 Huna principles, and explore some of the sacred mysteries of Hawaii and the true meaning and purpose of the hula. For more information and/or to register, contact: 978-692-8288 to register.
Added by sacredspiraldance on January 7, 2012