71-537 Hwy. 111 Suites L and M
Rancho Mirage, California 92270

An RSVP for anyone who is interested in attending the Introduction to Divine Intuition class is required. A $25.00 non-refundable deposit for the course is required. This is a commitment to the five weeks and to everyone in the class. The $100.00 balance will be then be due on the first day of class.

Please read the following two books to start:
"Spiritual Unfoldment 1" by White Eagle
"Spiritual Unfoldment 2" by White Eagle
All of the classes are introduction to all the materials, later we will be going into much more depth.
Class 1:
The difference between Divine Intuition and Psychic readings.
Introduction to the Christ Consciousness Rays are why they are entering our planet now.
Why people are being called to "action" during this time.
Psychic Ethics
What to "not" read: the four D's.
Centering, Grounding, and protection
Homework, reading, and practice exercises to be turned in next week.
Class 2:
Definition of Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairgustance.
The invisible vs. the visible
Alpha, beta, theta and delta brain waves. What are they and how do they train them?
Walking meditation
How to open and shut off psychic centers
Homework, reading, and practice exercises to be turned in next week
Class 3:
Mind over mind, Calming the crazies within an instant.
Introduction to various meditative practices.
Removing fears and blocks through guided imagery to open up your intuitive skills and to realize your dreams, goals and creativity.
Improve your diet and exercise.
Homework, reading, and practice exercises to be turned in next week
Class 4:
Introduction to Spirit Anatomy the basics about the chakras and the luminous fibers of the spirit.
Spiritual laws
Golden stream breath work to open the 3rd eye.
The Path of Spiritual Mastery what are the levels.
Homework, reading, and practice exercises to be turned in next week

Class 5:
Introduction to Mediumship (if time)
Homework, reading, and practice exercises to be turned in next week
The first night of class I be handing out the course outline and handouts for each week with homework, reading and a practice sheet.
There will also be a book list and a library at the center from which you can borrow books.
I look forward to this amazing journey and experience with all of you.
Teacher: Dr. Debra Savitt, Director Dancing Light School of Intuition

This is also a prerequiste to Dancing Light School of Intuition.

Added by Dr. Debra Savitt on May 17, 2010