2425 Iron Point Road
folsom, California

Join the REI Outdoor School on an all day excursion to develop your mountain sense. During this outing wilderness survival, navigation, first aid, and backcountry skills all will be taught together. We will be hiking around on and off trail in the Tells Creek area, near Loon Lake, navigating by compass and GPS, discussing appropriate backcountry gear and know-how, and even practice some what-if scenarios. Transportation, maps, compasses and GPS units provided at no extra charge.
* Advance registration is required. Call or visit any Sierra area REI to sign up.
* Cost: Member: $50, Non-Member: $70

Official Website: http://www.rei.com/rei/outdoorschool/Sac/sacbackskills.jsp

Added by REI Outdoor School, Sierra on July 20, 2009