275 Larkfield Road
East Northport, New York 11731

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Have you ever wondered about Astrology?

Have you ever noticed that some of the people you know don't seem to match up to their "sign", and wondered why? Have you ever thought that the horoscopes in the newspapers and magazine can't be "legit" because the same thing can't happen to everyone with that sign? Well, you're right.

Astrology is a vast and absorbing art, with much more to it than just the newspaper sun sign horoscopes. And it is highly personal, unique to the individual.

The good news is that anyone can learn it.

This class is designed to introduce you to astrology, and the parts of the horoscope. There'll be a little history (you'd be surprised at some of the people who have been astrologers!) and a little about how the horoscope is calculated (VERY little on the calculation part, I promise!), We'll talk about the specializations that astrology has available, and the tools that take the tedium out of the work.

This class is intended to provide you with the background you need to begin to master the art of astrology, and will prepare you for the 6-part Astrology Basics course soon to be offered at Wizards.

If you've studied astrology and are comfortable with your knowledge, then join us for the Astrology Basics course. But if you want to learn astrology, and you're only knowledge is from the newspapers, then join us for this introductory class.

Mark Zablocki is a life-long astrologer and an expert in the field. His knowledge in this subject is comprehensive. Treat yourself to a night with Mark Zablocki - you'll be glad you did!

Class approximately 2 hours

We recommend that you register for this class in advance by e-mailing us at mail@wizardsonlinestore.com or by listing yourself as "attending" on this upcoming post.

Official Website: http://www.wizardsonlinestore.com

Added by Wizards on June 5, 2009

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