Come Join Chuck Zdrojowy Linkedin Super Connector, ecademy
Atlanta City Leader, Black Star, Atlanta Networking Hub, Supply Chain Management Hub, founder of
SCNi supply chain network international, Link_Atlanta, Link_USA, Link_Florida,
Link_Texas and CBMW Christian Business Men and Women & Steve Cadley,
a nationally recognized thought leader in the convergence of social media and
sales performance, and creator of The Social Media Sales Construct title of
his forthcoming book. Steve is currently
a Sales Performance and New Media Strategist at Cadley Consulting Group
providing Sales process and Social Media
integration consulting to companies like, Salesforce.com, Avaya, Miller
Heiman, Azur Pharma, AT&T, and a number of other B2B/B2C firms.
This fun seminar will quickly get you up to speed using & leveraging social
media to grow you business & career.
Bring your laptop,and leave with:
Perspective What is Social
Media/Networking & how does it work
Survey of social media tools
What are some platforms
of Social Media/Networking
How to create effective
profiles on key platforms
Your profile is your personal brand
The importance of growing your
network and how
How to get started with twitter
Other networks
Bring your laptop, relax, have fun, maybe an adult beverage and leave with
an understanding of how to leverage social media and create a new or improved
profile on several social networking sites and 3 free months as a power
networker at Ecademy
Organized by learn2linkWeb 2.0, New Media, Social Media/Networking Strategists, consultants and trainers.
Ticket Info: General admission, $40.99
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/286289299/upcoming