In shamanic terms, disease & general malaise can occur when we lack a clear connection w/ our Power Animals, the guides & guardians that have been w/ us since birth. In this transformative experiential workshop, you'll learn to 'journey' & connect directly w/ your personal animal spirit guide for advice, spiritual companionship & increased well being. Bring paper/pen, a scarf & (optional) tape recorder. Author/artist Renna Shesso has received her training in shamanic healing techniques thru the Foundation for Shamanic Studies via Sandra Ingerman (author of Soul Retrieval). Renna has conducted power animal workshops w/ groups & individuals since 1989 & also performs soul retrieval, shamanic extraction & psychopomp work w/ individual clients. Renna also accepts class fees via Paypal. Contact Isis Books and Gifts for more info.
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Added by Isis Books and Gifts on March 7, 2010