Ever wonder what makes a robot tick?
In this hands-on adult workshop, you will build your own robot from scratch using a solderless breadboard, motors, infrared (IR) technology, and integrated circuit chips. No ready-made circuit board here! You will learn about basic robotic components and will build a mobile robot platform. You will also learn how to wire up an IR detector and emitter to a timer, so that when the robot detects an obstacle in its path, it backs up, turns, and then continues on its way. Other sensors, including photocells and momentary switches will be investigated as time allows. No experience necessary! Ages 18 and over.
Meets 4 Tuesdays: Nov 21, 28, Dec 5, 12
Workshop tuition: $300
(Includes all robotic components & digital multi-meter)
Space is limited!
Robot Village®… Your Robot Source!
252 West 81st Street (West of Broadway)
Robot Village® Workshop Instructors:
Dustyn Roberts is a Project Engineer at Honeybee Robotics helping to design parts of a robotic Mars rover subsystem for launch in 2009. Dustyn is also working on a sustainable energy project for a solar powered restaurant. She holds degrees in Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering.
Lawrence Parrington is a Project Engineer at Honeybee Robotics working on the subsystem for the Mars Science Laboratory project. He is also involved in the mechanical design and integration of several projects including a robotic, autonomous deep drilling system. He holds degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Physics.
Official Website: http://robotvillage.com/
Added by robotvillage on October 25, 2006