Now in its 4th year, the Intranet Insider World Tour Webinar series
has featured some of the world's best intranets, including those of
IBM, HP, Verizon, Fidelity Investments, Sodexho, British Airways and
General Motors. This intimate and interactive event brings together the
experts and practitioners from leading intranets. They can show and
tell where they are on their intranet evolution journey, and give you
practical advice that you and your team can use to jump-start your
intranet to the next level. If you're charged with moving your intranet
into the new media -- and new economics -- world, this is the
conference & workshop for you.
We've designed the program to delve into all the major hurdles
intranet managers are facing this year. The include strategy and
governance, metrics and performance, collaboration, communication and
culture, and design and usability. There will be "economy-driven"
topics, but also plenty of sessions that will give you the edge on
what's next, and what you need to be doing this year to deliver more
value and ROI from your intranet.
Here are some of the critical questions we'll be addressing in this conference:
What does "intranet 3.0" look and feel like?
With social media exploding, what should your intranet be doing with wikis, video, podcasts, blogs and social networking?
Are intranets delivered by mobile phones ready for prime time?
In this difficult economy, what are the best strategies and techniques to help maintain employee engagement and loyalty via the intranet?
As the business world moves toward transparency, how can the intranet present a real and real-time dashboard of the state of the organization?
What should intranet professionals be doing to prepare and manage through continuous change and crisis?
What's the best route to optimize your employee directory with social software and presence information?
What is your intranet worth, and what strategies will help you elevate the position?
What are some best practices to gain true executive support for your intranet?
If you are struggling with any of the issues above, and need to come up with a game plan for your intranet, don't feel alone -- join us! Intranet Insider World Tour Live 2009
brings together intranet thought leaders to learn, be challenged, share
and brainstorm about the future of intranets and the profession.
Register today as conference is limited to 125 attendees.
Organized by CommunitelligenceMedia and professional training organization.
Official Website: http://intranetinsiderlive-upcoming.eventbrite.com