Creative Engagement Workshops at the British library
This workshop give you direct practical help in avoiding distraction and stagnation in your projects. They will help you develop an effective approach to keeping your projects enterprising and adaptable .
The spirit of being enterprising
Thursday 7th May 2.30-5.30pm
Individuals and teams can settle into comfort zones which includes being on automatic and losing initiative. In this workshop we engage with the vital sense of being enterprising. We will explore the following areas;
· How to maintain your enthusiasm for the significance and potential benefits of your projects.
· How to ask effective questions.
· Dealing with fear of the new and unknown.
· In and out of the box thinking - Going deeper than what you think you know.
· How to effectively reflect on your experience and produce rich insights.
· ·Cultivating and exercising your imaginative curiosity by using metaphor and imagery.
At the British Library, (Business & IP centre). St Pancras, 96 Euston Road, London. NW1 2DB
For more details visit
To reserve your place for either workshop contact
or call l Ian on 07890 452 401
The Price is £25 per person for each workshop payable at the event.
Each topic will have a short introduction and then participants will explore the topic through exercises and have the opportunity to discuss how the principles apply to them.
Workshop is led by Ian Currie / Vajradaka who has been teaching and helping people with these principles for more than thirty years. This approach has been used effectively by thousands of people in all walks of life.
Creative Engagement is an associate of the British Library business and IP centre.
Official Website:
Added by vajradaka on April 20, 2009