5305 Elliott Drive
Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197

Intervention will be presented by Jeff and Debra Jay; Intervention Specialists, popular media personalities, and best-selling authors of the popular book, ?Love First? and other publications. This workshop will provide an opportunity to join this internationally-acclaimed couple as they describe their effective model for intervention with addicted loved ones. Audience members will learn how ?Love First? is the way to help people find recovery. This workshop is part of the Dawn Farm Education Series. All programs are free and open to anyone interested. Registration is not required. The Education Series is organized by Dawn Farm, a non-profit community of programs providing a continuum of chemical dependency services. For information, please contact (734) 485-8725, info@dawnfarm.org, or see http://www.dawnfarm.org/edseries.html.

Added by jessa on September 12, 2005

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