Global demand continues to grow for Internet-connected applications, devices and services, both domestically and abroad. This growth is driving the exhaustion of IP addresses.
How much trouble are we in? Is this like Y2K (lots of preparation and hype) or is it something only IT professionals should care about?
Topics will include:
A brief background on IP addressing - how does it work?
What do you need to do to get ready - for both vendors and suppliers?
If you are an applications developer - does it matter?
If you are a casual internet user at home - should you care?
Presenters to include:
Chris Boyer, Assistant Vice President, Regulatory Planning and Policy, AT&T
Dave Zerbe, Executive VP, - a full service telecommunications company focused on provide Data, MPLS, Point-to-Point services and Internet to businesses.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on June 5, 2010