The Crescent
Salford, England M5 4WT

Can you afford to miss it?

This study day is a must for registered nurses, support workers, assistant practitioners and healthcare assistants from all fields of practice who want to keep ahead of the changes in nursing, both locally and nationally.

9.30am - Introduction, welcome address and chair of the morning

9.50am - Burns Wound Management: Jacky Edwards, Burns Nurse Consultant at South Manchester University Hospitals and Nursing Times Nurse of the Year 2012

10.20am - Integrated Care and Patient Dignity: Professor Lesley Baillie, Florence Nightingale Foundation Chair of Clinical Nursing Practice, Faculty of Health and Social Care, London South Bank University, and University College London Hospitals

10.50am - Coffee and exhibition

11.30am - The 15 steps challenge: Alice Williams, NHS Institute

12.20pm - A light-hearted drama production with star performances from Salford’s nursing staff

12.50pm - Lunch and exhibition

1.50pm - Introduction and chair of the afternoon: Trish Hamilton, Deputy Clinical Director/Chief Nurse NHS Direct

2.00pm - Pecha kuchas of 15 minutes and five minutes of questions to:

Professor Tony Long, Children and Young People Services, University of Salford

Dr Naomi Sharples, Senior Lecturer Mental Health Nursing, University of Salford

Mike Ravey, Senior Lecturer Learning Disability Nursing, University of Salford

Fiona Murphy, Assistant Director of Bereavement and Organ Donation, Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust and Nurse of the Year 2012

Wing Commander Nursing in the Armed Forces.

3.40pm - Equity and access to women’s sexual health services: Cecilia Anin, Deputy President of the Royal College of Nurses

4.10pm - Motivational speaker: Keep making a difference – TBC

4.40pm - Raffle and closing address.

For more information contact organiser Melanie Stephens at or call 0161 295 2877.

Official Website:

Added by SalfordUni on September 11, 2012

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