Sponsors: International Leaders Summit, Adriatic Institute for Public Policy, Americans for Tax Reform, Atlas Economic Research Foundation, European Enterprise Institute, Cato Institute, The Heritage Foundation. Session I: Freedom and Security: The freedom and security session will cover strategic issues with speakers focusing on the current challenges in Iraq, NATO’s role in Afghanistan and the Balkan region’s rising tensions. The panel will also focus on the merits of “state building” initiatives and highlight proposed strategies to advance freedom. Session II: The Economies of Europe and the US – Advancing Economic Freedom. Panelists will highlight current challenges that undermine economic liberty, including new policies that usher in greater state intervention with a focus on the EU’s push for tax harmonization and its attempt to become the world’s chief regulator. How will these trends affect entrepreneurial capitalism in Europe and the United States? Also, the merits of the Transatlantic Economic Council—established by the EU Commission and the U.S. administration—will be reviewed in regard to this new body’s strategies of augmenting economic integration and harmonization.
Official Website: http://www.adriaticinstitute.org/
Added by insideronline on May 8, 2008