Sophie Clavier, Assistant Professor of International Relations, SF State University
Nations regularly claim that their use of military force against other sovereign powers is sanctioned by international law and the UN Charter. The US contends that its invasion of Iraq was legitimized by UN Resolution 2441, every country’s right of self-defense, and humanitarian considerations. Russia declares it seeks to protect the South Ossetians’ right to self-determination yet Tbilisi counters that the Kremlin is violating Georgian territorial integrity. International legal principles often seem contradictory and Professor Clavier will seek to resolve these issues.
Reception: 6:30 PM, Dinner: 7:00 PM, Dessert: 7:30 PM, Program: 7:50 PM
Dominican University, Caleruega Dining Hall, Creekside Room, Magnolia at Palm Ave., San Rafael
Dinner and Program: Members, Dominican University Staff, and Students: $30, Nonmembers: $35 Dessert and Program: Members and Dominican University Staff: $6, Nonmembers: $9, Students: Free
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Added by wacsf on September 17, 2008
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