Beijing, Beijing

ChinaContact offers a secure and convenient method of reserving your participation at this year's premier Outbound Tourism forum taking place in Beijing, China.

International Forum on Chinese Outbound Tourism (IFCOT) 2009

Location: Marriott Hotel City Wall, Beijing
Time: 24 April 2009, 09:00-18:30

For full agenda and speaker information visit the forum website:


ChinaContact is the official European partner for Ivy Consulting, organiser of IFCOT. Payment via this website by credit card guarantees a reservation at the forum and entry to COTTM2009.

If you choose to pay by bank transfer an invoice will be emailed to you for payment. Your reservation will only be confirmed once we receive your transfer, and an email receipt will be sent to you.

ChinaContact is registered in the UK as CContact Limited, 3 Cannon House, Park Court, London SE26 6EN, UK.

Telephone: +44 20 3239 9688 Email: info@ccontact.com

Organized by ChinaContact and Ivy Consulting
ChinaContact - Market entry specialist for China's tourism sector, providing access to China's tourism and hospitality markets.

In collaboration with Ivy Consulting, organiser of IFCOT 20089.

Ticket Info:  
  • Early Bird Delegate, $509.95
  • Standard Delegate (Discounted from normal price of $556), $545.95
  • COTTM Exhibitor Delegate, $459.95
  • Personal Interpreter (daily rate), $102.50

Official Website: http://chinacontact-ifcot-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 5, 2009

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