The International DB2 Users Group (IDUGĀ®) annually hosts the premier user-driven DB2 education and networking events in the United States, Europe and Australia. This year's IDUG North America conference features over 150 hours of live, in-person DB2 technical education for DBAs, application developers, data modelers, and other data management professionals. Technical sessions are created and presented by experienced users sharing their best practices, experts from third-party vendors, and over 40 IBMers, including Distinguished Engineers, IBM Fellows, Vice Presidents, and even a keynote by General Manager Ambuj Goyal. Optional half-day intensive courses are available for an additional charge, and discounted single-day registrations can be purchased for more targeted education itinerary. This conference is the top venue to build your skills on DB2 for z/OS, DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, and also for affiliated tools such as InfoSphere and IBM Data Studio.
Official Website:
Added by db2fred on January 13, 2009