208 West 37th Street
New York City, New York 10001

from the website [http://www.thetanknyc.org/spaceworks/]:

Low-bit secret agents from around the world convene at The Tank for an unprecedented micromusic mega-event. Sounds and setups built around the focal point of timeless video game hardware provide the show's theme, with Game Boys, Nintendo Entertainment Systems and other consoles being pushed to unforseen limits by an international all-star array of micromusicians. DAVID SUGAR (UK), RECEPTORS (US), HEY KID NICE ROBOT (US), M-.-n (BE), GLOMAG (US), BUBBLYFISH (US), OMAC (US), NULLSLEEP (US) and BIT SHIFTER (US) conduct high-volume, low-res audio field tests, deploying a lethal combination of danceable rhythms and astonishing beeps, melodies, and tones.

This is absolutely not a show to miss! JOIN the INTERNATIONAL CHIPTUNE RESISTANCE.

Added by instigata on October 17, 2005

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