6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite 145
Orlando, Florida 32821

Who should attend:
Video and animation professionals who need an intermediate understanding of Adobe After Effects.

Introduction to After Effects Class or equivalent experience.

Course Outline:
Note: The curricula below comprise activities typically covered in a class at this skill level. The instructor may, at his/her discretion, adjust the lesson plan to meet the needs of the class.

Lesson 1: Parenting
Understanding Parenting
Simple Pickwhipping
Parenting to a null
Using Parenting for positioning
Using Parenting in Special Effects
Lesson 2: Compound Effects
Understanding Compound Effects
Gradient Wipe
Displacement Map
Creating Water
Lesson 3: Expressions
Introduction to Expressions
Simple Pickwhipping
Using expressions to animate to the rhythm of music
Adjusting the expression direction
Adjusting the expression parameters
Adjusting the rate of change
Adjusting the final value
Creating a loop using expressions
The wiggle expression
Lesson 4: Tracking/Stabilizing
Understanding tracking
Using the tracker
Stabilizing your video
Tracking and object
Tips for better tracking
Difficult tracking
Lesson 5: Keying
Understanding Keying
Shooting Techniques for easier Keying
Using Garbage Mattes for easier Keying
Using Keylight
Refining the Matte
Lesson 6: Using the Roto Brush Tool
Using the Roto Brush Tool
About Rotoscoping
Creating a segmentation boundary
Fine-tuning the matte
Creating a transition from the full clip to the foreground
Lesson 7: Compositing Techniques
Understanding Layer Blending Modes and how to change those using shortcuts
Using Track Mattes
Understanding Precomposing and nesting
Lesson 8: Performing Color Correction
Adjusting color balance
Replacing the background
Removing unwanted elements
Correcting a range of colors
Warming colors with the Photo Filter effect

Added by FMC_Orlando on March 4, 2011