1924 Cedar (at Bonita)
Berkeley, California

Yes on Proposition 15….because elections should be won, not bought! The amount of money in politics is outrageous, and it I corrupting the system. Since 2000, over $1 billion dollars has been raised by California politicians. All this fundraising buys access for the special interests, but it shuts out the rest of us. Learn about the California Fair Elections Act on the June 8 ballot. Explore the ways in which Prop. 15 supports the tenets of faith-based communities in the political process. Help develop the language necessary to make visible the connection between all faiths and the justice of fair elections. Help educate our communities on the moral imperative to get politicians out of the fundraising game.
This first ever Interfaith Prop 15 Volunteer Training will provide information about Proposition 15, while grounding the discussion in faith community values. The orientation will be led by Nancy Neff of the UU Legislative Ministry/Reclaiming Democracy Team.

RSVP: cross0828@yahoo.com
For more events visit: www.yesonprop15.org/events

Open to the Public. Wheelchair accessible.
Workshop is free. Donations welcome to support this and future classes.

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Added by benburch666 on April 5, 2010

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