Courses available
MBA with specialization in e-Commerce, Enterprises Resource Planning, Finance, Human Computer Interaction, Information Technology Management Marketing, New Product Design & Management and Supply Chain Management and many more...
• Masters
Aerospace engineering, Applied and Environmental Biology, Biomaterials, Ceramic engineering, Chemical engineering, Chemistry, Civil engineering Computer engineering, Computer science, Electrical engineering, Engineering management, Environmental engineering, Geological engineering, Geology and geophysics, Information science & technology, Manufacturing engineering, Materials science and engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical engineering Metallurgical engineering, Mining engineering, Nuclear engineering, Petroleum engineering, Physics, Systems engineering, Technical communication.
• Undergraduate
All Engineering courses available.
• USPs
- Job Placements Over 96% of all University Graduates secure position in the area of their choice within 3 months of graduation.
- University Student to faculty ratio is 14:1.
- Over 670 Companies & graduate Schools annually recruit University graduates.
- Many top recruiters such as GM, Shell Oil & Boeing list the University in Top 20 Key Schools.
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Added by gr8dpk on August 20, 2008