2040 N. Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60647

Interactive Activism: An Evening with Marisa Handler

How are protests organized? What are affinity groups? What do you do if you and your friends turn the corner and come face to face with a line of armed, baton wielding police?
Join In These Times for a free evening of interactive activism with author and activist Marisa Handler at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 27. Through music, speech and hands-on activities, Marisa Handler will reveal the inside world of global activism.

Handler will also read from, discuss and sign her new book, Loyal to the Sky at this event. The event will take place at In These Times’ offices at 2040 N. Milwaukee Ave. Copies of Loyal to the Sky will be available for purchase at this free event, and donations are encouraged.

In Loyal to the Sky, Marisa Handler offers an insider’s perspective on what drives the global justice movement and why it has become such a powerful force for change. She demystifies direct action—the confrontational tactic the movement is known for—and describes how she came to advocate a spiritually-based, nonviolent activism. “I have come to believe,” she writes, “that every one of us is an activist, and that every action taken in the name of our interconnection—every action that brings us closer to ourselves, to each other, to the planet—births a better world.”

“Handler takes a brutally honest look at herself, the activist community and the world,” Medea Benjamin, Co-founder of CODEPINK writes. “Loyal to the Sky is an affirmation that mortal humans, with all our foibles, can be powerful agents for change.”

Marisa Handler is an activist, organizer, and journalist. She is author of the five-part series for Salon.com titled “Notes from an Activist,” and has written similarly-themed pieces for the San Francisco Chronicle, the Bay Guardian, and Tikkun magazine on topics ranging from spiritual activism to protesting the Republican National Convention. She was recently nominated for the Society of Environmental Journalists’ Best Environmental Writing award.

For more information regarding this event, please contact:
Erin Polgreen, Associate Publisher, In These Times
Phone: 773/772.0100 Ext. 225, E-mail: Erin@inthesetimes.com

Official Website: http://www.inthesetimes.com/events/3034/

Added by inthesetimes on February 16, 2007

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