Edge Hill University is hosting a conference designed to explore health and social care professionals working and learning together. The keynote speakers are Professor Hugh Barr and Professor Martin Johnson.
Hugh Barr is Emeritus Professor of Interprofessional Education and Honorary Fellow at the University of Westminster UK and holds visiting chairs at King's College London, St George's University of London with Kingston University, and the University of Greenwich in the UK. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in 2006 from the University of Southampton for his seminal role in promoting interprofessional education nationally and internationally.
He is the President of the UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education (CAIPE), President for 2007/2008 of the General Practice and Primary Health Care Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, Joint Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Interprofessional Care and a Board Member of the International Association for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (InterEd).
Martin Johnson has wide experience in nursing education most recently at the University of Salford. His Nursing Power and Social Judgement, Ashgate, Aldershot (1997) examined the social context of a hospital ward, offering insights into the way that nurses and their patients negotiate, or struggle, for the power to achieve their goals through judgemental labelling. His book Research Ethics in the Real World (co-edited with Tony Long) published by Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone in January 2007 takes a consequential approach to real life research ethics and governance problems.
Martin is involved with Age Concern in funded projects into older people coping with loneliness and worked with the Universities of Dundee, Sheffield and Scottish NHS colleagues on an evaluation of fitness for practice and ‘flying start' in Scotland. Currently undertaking a sabbatical from administrative roles, Martin is doing fieldwork funded by Salford PCT and the Burdett Trust for Nursing in Nursing Homes in Salford examining educational and clinical issues of care at the end of life. He is the Editor of Nurse Education Today.
The cost of the conference including lunch, refreshments and delegate pack is £99 plus VAT per person.
Edge Hill University students: £50 plus VAT.
If you would like to attend the conference, please contact Carol Wright for a registration form:
You are invited to submit abstracts for oral and / or poster presentations to fohresearchconference@edgehill.ac.uk. Abstracts must be submitted by 27th March 2009 and should focus on any innovations, developments or research in the area of inter-professional working and learning. The abstract should not be more than 300 words in length (papers describing work in progress are eligible).
Added by ehuwebteam on June 15, 2009