1.5 General Recertification Credits
Due to Health Care Reform and small group state reform, self-funding will become the funding model of choice. Self-Funding models drive wellness while managing risk and increasing your bottom line. Take a look at the benefit plan options available, regardless of your company size. Find out what are the best practices in plan management, wellness, population health, and employee communication tools.
About the Presenters
Cindy Sheffield is the President and CEO of SOMI a nationwide Third Party Administration company for the last 30 years. SOMI has become one of the country's premier benefits administration companys through its use of cutting edge technology and creative solutions. Cindy has been the keynote speaker at numerous conventions and seminars across the country for SHRM, SIAA and CUPA as an expert on health plan risk management and alternative funding models.
Bret Petrick, CLU, ChFC, CSFS has been consulting on employee benefit plans with companies in Silicon Valley for over 17 years. His goal is to significantly impact the way that health care is managed by employers and providers through the implementation of sophisticated population health management systems, ACO designs, and wellness programs. He has forged partnerships to bring exclusive technology to employee benefits and health care providers in California. Bret recently took over the management of the Benefits Department at one of the largest independent insurance brokerages in the valley, Archway.
Official Website: http://www.nchra.org
Added by FullCalendar on May 24, 2012