Comprehensive 4 days training and mentoring session on integrating Flex and Java
Unique hands-on one-on-one with the best known expert in the domain of Flex and Java integration
Class size restricted to a small select group
Unlike run of the mill lectures, this training is all about learning by doing
Learn from the expert who builds real world applications
Take along tons of working code examples to use in your project
Network with your peers and learn by sharing your ideas
Integrating Flex and Java with BlazeDS and LCDS
(4 days of intense hands-on training)
Participants of this training program will learn the following:
Fundamentals of integrating Flex and Java
The role of BlazeDS (and LifeCycle Data Services -- LCDS) in combining Flex and Java
Basics of BlazeDS (and LCDS) architecture and design
Installation, setup and configuration of BlazeDS (and LCDS)
Details of each of the features of BlazeDS (and LCDS) and how they can be leveraged in applications that combine Flex and Java, including but not restricted to
Proxing calls to remote destinations
Facilitating remote procedure calls between Flex and Java
Pushing data up from Java to the Flex client
Methods of extending BlazeDS the available API and the recommended programming paradigms
Using existing open source software with BlazeDS
Methodology: Hands-on and detailed (Dont forget to bring your machines along!)
Pre-requisites: Participants who have a basic knowledge of Flex and understand Java web development will benefit the most from this course.
Day 1:
Fundamentals of integrating Flex and Java
Simple HTTP call based data interchange
REST and SOAP Style Web Services
JSON message exchange
Remote Procedure Calls
Data push
BlazeDS (and LCDS) Essentials
Its a web application
Its endpoints, channels, destinations and adapters
Its support for PDF integration (in-built in LCDS only)
Fundamentals of BlazeDS (and LCDS) architecture and design
The front controller Message broker Servlet (including its new role when used within a Spring Dispatcher Servlet)
Configuration files
Extension and integration points
Installation, setup and configuration of BlazeDS (and LCDS)
Deploying the web application
Including in enterprise applications
Configuration options
Clustered deployments
A simple BlazeDS (and LCDS) application walking through an example application (A complete but simple example that leverages some of the most important services provided by BlazeDS)
Day 2:
Details of the BlazeDS (and LCDS) proxy service
Accessing data resources that dont specify security definitions for direct access
Accessing web services and service endpoints via the proxy
Hands-on exhaustive exploration of the remoting features of BlazeDS (and LCDS)
Essentials of remoting and interchange between Flex and Java
Supported Data types and translation semantics
Remoting custom class structures
Including objects from managed namespaces example EJBs and Spring Beans
Advanced Configurations
Day 3:
BlazeDS, LCDSand data push
Essentials of messaging
Messaging domains (point-to-point and publish-subscribe) and its applicability in Flex
Topics, subtopics and filters
The JMS adapter
Transaction and reliability considerations
Pushing data as XML, text or objects
Real-time rich web applications with BlazeDS (and LCDS)
AMF polling and the long polling mechanism
Comet style connections
Connection scalability
Data frequency reliability and scalability
Exploring the RTMP channels in LCDS
Day 4:
Extending BlazeDS and LCDS API and the programming paradigms
Understanding the Java API
Examples of writing custom adapters and custom factories
BlazeDS Internals
Session Recap
Organized by Shashank Tiwari
Internationally renowned speaker and author. (Look up
http://www.shanky.org/publish-and-present for details)
Advanced Flex 3
Professional BlazeDS (Wiley|Wrox) and Flex 4: Future Forward (APress) -- ComingSoon!
One of the best known Flex and Java experts. Recognized as a Flex Champion by Adobe for his contributions.
A member of the JCP. Currently, on the expert group of JSR 274 (Bean Shell scripting language), JSR283 (Content repository for Java), JSR 299 (Web Beans), JSR301 (Portlet bridge for JSF) and JSR312 (JBI 2.0). Participates actively in industry level thought leadership for initiatives related to Java, RIA, web standards and SOA.
An active contributor to open source initiatives. Currently championing four open source projects: fireclay, frogfish, dsadapters and usable. (Look up
http://www.shanky.org/initiatives for details)
Ticket Info: - Full Suite (All 4 Days - April 6-9, 2009), $1,099.00
- Flex + Java Fundamentals (Day 1 - April 6, 2009), $99.00
- Proxy and Remoting Service (Day 2 - April 7, 2009), $299.00
- Messaging and Data Push (Day 3 - April 8, 2009), $299.00
- Extending BlazeDS and LCDS (Day 4 - April 9, 2009), $450.00
Official Website: http://flexandjava-upcoming.eventbrite.com