While deeply exploring non-local consciousness, participants have often reported having their most profound, moving and life-changing experience.
Learn an Integral approach to remote viewing from national authority & Psychologist Dr. Wayne Carr. For the first time in history, remote viewing is being taught in a holistic, integral context. Remote viewing can be and perhaps should be an important part of your spiritual and emotional development, helping separate illusions from the real thing.
Integral Remote Viewing takes into account Ken Wilber's "second-tier" perspectives, which include our developmental stages as well as our various states of consciousness, including the non-dual and the non local.
Integral Remote Viewing constitutes one of the most unique and pure ways of achieving non-local states of consciousness that transcend space/time. Dr. Carr believes these non-local states are an essential part of in-depth transformative processes. Integral Remote Viewing offers you a completely new frontier that allows you to stay on the cutting edge of who you are.
Integral remote viewing offers the possibility of:
* Seeing the world through other people's eyes and walking in their shoes
* Taking previously impossible perspectives (in all four quadrants)
* Seeing the world through the eyes of your future and past selves
* Learning from, experiencing and taking perspectives from the future
* Go beyond taking different perspective to taking temporarily taking different Identities
* Creating major "Prototypical Experiences" you have never had before
* Seeing from several different perspectives simultaneously
* Taking the non-local & paranormal out of the realm of belief or disbelief into the realm of actual direct experience.
* Seeing things with relatively little bias, prejudgment, pre-categorization or belief.
About Western Institute of Remote Viewing:
The Western Institute of Remote Viewing and the Center for Growth and Healing are organizations dedicated to helping people achieve new levels of emotional, spiritual, and cognitive awareness. We focus on both moving people up their developmental ladder and helping them heal their 'shadow' material (wounds). We use an integral approach that incorporates remote viewing and in-depth psychotherapy.
$390 ($360 if registered three weeks or more in advance).
Official Website: http://www.remoteviewers.com
Added by FullCalendar on May 19, 2007