Students and new graduates, please join us for the fourth meeting of the Atlanta Emerging Librarians Group! This time two expert library instructors will offer practical advice on effective teaching for a variety of age groups. Discussion topics will include tips on preparation, how to keep a class engaged, and how to integrate interactivity.
Our speakers are Casey Long, Business Librarian at Georgia State University, and Anne Wallace, Media Specialist at Luella Elementary.
As usual, the meeting will kick off with some time for you to mingle with your fellow students and new graduates. Light snacks will be provided.
Registration is required.
Event details, including links to directions, can be found on the right side of this page. For more information about the Ponce de Leon branch of the Atlanta Fulton Public Library, please visit their Web page at
Organized by Atlanta Emerging LibrariansFormed in early 2008, this group is intended to create in-person connections between distance education library, information, and media science students and new graduates living in the Atlanta area.
The Atlanta Emerging Librarians group is affiliated with the Georgia Library Association's New Members Round Table. The AEL planning group is comprised of Ashley Dupuy, planning committee chair, Charlene Gross, Kat RobinSun, Sarah Steiner, and Bridget Summerour. We welcome any questions or ideas for future meetings. You can contact us at
Ticket Info: Register (Required), Free
Official Website: http://aelinstructionadvice1-upcoming.eventbrite.com