Enjoy architecture and bird-watching while learning about the history of the city's parks and how they benefit not only people, but wildlife, too. Elm Park, Newton Hill, and Warblers on the Wing Saturday, May 7, 3:00-5:00 pm (meet at Elm Park's stone gates on Russell Street) Look for birds and architecture and learn how the foresight of 19th century Park Superintendent Edward W. Lincoln provided modern Worcester with invaluable natural habitats and "green islands" that attract migrating birds to the heart of the city. Bancroft Tower and the Summer Singers Sunday, July 17, 2011, 9:00-11:00 am (meet at Bancroft Tower in Salisbury Park) Discover the history of Bancroft Tower and Salisbury Park, the role of Stephen Salisbury III in creating this park and the adjoining Bancroft Heights neighborhood, and learn how to identify some of Worcester's summer resident birds by song. Instituted Park: Flying South Sunday, October 23, 2011, 10:00-noon (meet in Institute Park at the corner of Salisbury Street and Humboldt Avenue) Look for ducks and waterfowl stopping off on their long migration south. Learn about the history of the park, the role of Stephen Salisbury III in creating Worcester's parks system, and the importance of protected city land in larger natural migration. Registration is required. Call (508) 753-6087 for details. See http://www.massaudubon.org/catalog/listing.php?program_code=864-BM11FA1 for more information.
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