Welcome Dee Valinski to the Meetup as she talks about how she receives unique drawings. Every person has a core stream that identifies them as a unique, individual spiritual energy. Dee tunes into this core stream and interprets the energetic signature of the individual and the life energy they contribute to the Earth consciousness.
Later on, join Inspired Events of Maryland Resident Practitioner, Nancy Turner, as she shows us a few techniques to help us in our own self-defense. She will also discuss her upcoming women's self-defense class.
This event is FREE to attend, but registration is required. To register, visit the Inspired Energy Healers Meetup site at www.energyhealers.meetup.com/352/ or call 443-396-1282. Doors open at 7:00 pm.
Official Website: http://www.energyhealers.meetup.com/352/
Added by Inspired Journeys on August 8, 2009