1000 Fifth Avenue at 82nd St
New York City, New York 10028

The Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium, visit online or call 212 570 3949

Ancient Near Eastern Art
Joan Aruz, Curator in Charge
Jean Evans, Assistant Curator
Kim Benzel, Assistant Curator
Ira Spar, Editor, Cuneiform Texts Series

Members of the Department of Ancient Near Eastern Art discuss the formation of the department and a few of its many current projects. Joan Aruz addresses the history of the department and its upcoming fall 2008 exhibition on art and international exchange in the second millennium B.C. Ira Spar presents some of the unique cuneiform texts in the collection. Jean Evans discusses the department’s involvement in archaeological excavations. And Kim Benzel focuses attention on the extraordinary pendants of the Dilbat Hoard and the art of the Mesopotamian goldsmith.

Official Website: http://www.metmuseum.org/tickets

Added by metmuseum on March 6, 2008