1000 Canyon Blvd.
Boulder, Colorado 80302

Inside Red China is a 1957 film directed by Robert Cohen. In 1957 U.S. Army veteran Robert Carl Cohen was studying Social Psychology in Paris. While visiting the U.S.S.R. he was assigned by NBC-TV's Moscow Chief Irving R. Levine to film a group of young Americans touring China in defiance of the U.S. State Department's travel ban. Arriving in Beijing after a nine day 6,000 mile trip on the Trans-Siberian Railway, he convinced the authorities to permit him to air express his uncensored film via Moscow to NBC in New York. During a 45 day tour he became the first American to film China since the 1949 Communist victory, documenting forbidden things such as bridges, aircraft, tanks and the "brain washing" of political prisoners.

Added by Upcoming Robot on October 19, 2009