Most companies store useful information about their employees, customers and partners in many heterogeneous systems such as ERPs, CRM Databases, HR Systems, project databases or directories. Relationships between those entities are often lost or difficult to navigate through. In large enterprises or networks, it is still very difficult to find people having specific skills or understand how we relate to other individuals, groups or customers.
The SAP Social Network Analyzer help you explore and capture relations between individuals, groups or any type of entity, extract people centric information and automatically create people profiles and business networks. All of this by leveraging existing backend systems and ad hoc relationship creation.
The SAP Social Network Analyzer solution today includes a server component, a set of REST APIs and a powerful, user friendly client.
During my talk I will give you an overview and demo of the prototype as well as discuss opportunities moving forward.
Speaker: Laurent Bride.
VP Innovation Centers and ARC at Business Objects an SAP company
Laurent has more than 13 years of experience in Development and IT. Laurent joined Business Objects (now SAP) in 1998 and has held various individual, management and executive roles in customer support, field facing and product development areas.
Early 2008, Laurent was appointed VP of Business Objects Innovation Center and was tasked to create new innovation centers in Dublin (Ireland), Bangalore (India), Shanghai (China) and Vancouver (Canada) in addition to the existing center in Levallois Perret (France). The objectives being to develop and explore new Business Intelligence markets, accelerate product roadmap and deliver prototypes for customer evaluation and market validation.
On April 2009, Laurent added the SAP BusinessObjects Academic Research Centers to his responsibilities.
As usual, gourmet dinner and wine are included.
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Added by FullCalendar on February 7, 2010