48233 Warm Spring Blvd
Fremont, California 94539

Everything you would like to learn about
1) Facebook Developer Kit
2) FB Framework for Microsoft platform
4) Latest Facebook Policies on Developers
5) Best Facebook Developer Practices & Strategies

Inside: Facebook Developer Kit
Kevin Marshall, Director of Product Management at Clarity Consulting
Guest Speaker: Jesse Stay, Book Author of O'Reilly FBML Essential

RSVP: http://facebookdeveloperkit.eventbrite.com
FREE if register online; $10 donation at door

Raffle Prizes: (Not sponsored by Facebook)
Microsoft Visual Basic Studio License(s)
Books from Wiley Visual & Dummies

5/28/08 Wed 7:00-9:30pm
Inside: Facebook Developer Kit
Kevin Marshall, Director of Product Management at Clarity Consulting
Guest Speaker: Jesse Stay, Book Author of O'Reilly FBML Essential
Location: Hurricane Electric
Address: 48233 Warm Springs Blvd, Fremont CA 94539
RSVP: http://facebookdeveloperkit.eventbrite.com
FREE if register online; $10 donation at door

Official Website: http://www.svwebbuilder.com

Added by Websig on May 12, 2008