530 MacKenzie Boulevard
Fort McMurray, Alberta

Input Sought on Conservation of Alberta's Wetlands

EDMONTON, Sept. 12, 2007 (CNW) - The Alberta

Water Council - the multi-stakeholder partnership group

responsible for overseeing the implementation of Water

for Life - is inviting input from all interested Albertans to

help shape a new Wetland Policy to present to the

Government of Alberta.

The Council has been reviewing the importance of

wetland conservation in achieving the goals of the Water

for Life strategy, and is now seeking input to develop a

comprehensive Wetland Policy and Implementation Plan

for Alberta.

Albertans can participate in the process in one of two

ways - by completing the wetland policy workbook either

on-line or by mail, or by attending one of seven

workshops being held across the province. Workshops

will be held in:

• Bonnyville Chamber of Commerce September 19

• Edmonton Ramada Hotel (Kingsway) September 20

• Calgary Radisson Hotel (Airport) September 24

• Lethbridge Lethbridge Lodge September 25

• Red Deer Red Deer Lodge September 26

• Fort McMurray Sawridge Hotel October 2

• Grande Prairie Sandman Hotel October 4

To register for the workshops, Albertans can call

1-866- 420-6116 (in Edmonton 420-1646) or e-mail

info@imistrategies.ca. Additional information on the

consultation and a copy of the workbook on Alberta’s

wetlands is available at the Council’s website at


The deadline for on-line submissions is October 15,

2007, and the Council hopes to have recommendations

to present back to the provincial government in early


Established in 2004, the Alberta Water Council is a

multi-stakeholder partnership with 25 members from

governments, industry, and non-government

organizations. Its primary task is to monitor and steward

implementation of the Water for Life strategy and to

champion achievement of the strategy’s three outcomes

of a safe, secure drinking water supply, healthy aquatic

ecosystems, and reliable, quality water supplies for a

sustainable economy.

(Source: Canada News Wire (CNW))

Official Website: http://www.albertawatercouncil.ca

Added by codytorgerson on September 21, 2007

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