375 Water Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6B5C

This is an informal get together to try and get everyone from creatives to techies etc. together. This might lead towards planning a DemoCamp in Vancouver (see http://barcamp.org/DemoCampVancouver).

This is being pulled together by Jenny Yang from BDC.


Invite up to 5 "interesting/fun/someone you want to talk
to" kind of friends that are entrepreneurs, techies, creative types,
business people, PhD candidates ...

* Learn what cool Web/Mobile stuff is going on in Vancouver
* Drink beer
* See what happens when you put some really interesting
people all in one room

Bring your bright ideas, bring your questions, and bring an open mind.

Added by bmann on November 22, 2006


James Sherrett

Boris, is this a registry-required event?


Not at all....just try and indicate attendance here and go ahead and join us...


I would love to come but i already have plans for that night...

is this a weekly thing? monthly?
i would really like to join you next time.


It may end up being monthly, or every 6 weeks or so. Megan is planning a DemoCamp Vancouver some time in the New Year.