186 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Innovative Models for Workplace Diversity
Fearless strategies for the workplace

Although there is more being done to work toward and eventually achieve diverse workplaces, organisations are still struggling with diversity and how it can really be embraced. Many employees still remain uninterested and don’t really see the benefit, while others who are directly affected by inequality at work suffer in silence without others’ awareness. Organisations still have fears around particular areas of diversity, such as religious and cultural, disability, age and LGBT.

But avoidance won’t rid organisations of the issues at hand. They need to embrace and support all employees in their workplaces if they are to have working environments where all employees feel comfortable. Furthermore, it’s not only senior management that needs to provide this support. Understanding and acceptance needs to come from everyone within organisations.

Attend this one-day forum and hear how you can:

• Encourage a supportive and diverse working environment
• Implement diversity strategies within your organisation
• Confront various areas of diversity
• Evaluate your organisation’s ongoing diversity efforts
• Promote diversity throughout the organisation as a whole

Official Website: http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/Events-D072Diversity.htm

Added by Ark Group Australia on February 22, 2011