During a time when most are working with limited resources, innovative employee and career development programs often move to the bottom of the list. Yet these same organizations rely on limited staff to generate aggressive business results within an increasingly competitive marketplace. How do you continue to engage your employees and keep them motivated to perform as "corporate depression" sets in due to layoffs and less than dazzling business results or raises?
Gain "out of the box" techniques for making employees feel valued during difficult times when advancement opportunities may seem far in the future. Learn what other Bay area companies are doing to keep employees motivated and developing during the downturn, and how to:
-Provide career development services through the use of coaches and mentors
-Design an on-the-job employee development rotation program to improve company staffing coverage at no or low cost
-Negotiate with outside vendors and company suppliers to provide low cost training programs and employee development experiences
Speaker: Steve Knight is Executive Vice President, Senior Consultant and Partner at Integral Talent Systems, Inc. (ITS). Steve has more than 25 years of experience in consulting on employee assimilation, employee development, talent retention, succession and career planning, leadership, and management development. Steve currently teaches the ASTD certification program on career Planning and talent management. He has served clients such as CompuCredit, Hewlett Packard, KLA -Tencor, McKesson, Oracle, Scripps Health, Stanford University, and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, as well as many other organizations.
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Added by FullCalendar on March 3, 2009