Venue/Location: The Old Fire Station, Acton Square, The Crescent, University of Salford M5 4WT
Event type:
This FREE seminar is organised by the Leisure, Heritage & Recreation Research Group, in conjunction with the MNEMOS project –, ISOS research group and UKAIS.
Cultural Heritage – How can it open new opportunities?
Kath Doran MD for Spectrum Plastics, a business which has been around since 1922. Kath will talk about learning through experience and the wealth of knowledge that has been passed down the generations. This heritage has helped the organisation to diversify, increase and widen market opportunities and develop new products whilst maintaining the core values the business was originally built on.
Tools and Technology – Satisfying local needs online
Sarah Hartley will talk about the community engagement project,, which re-examines the idea of local news and information in the context of a SoLoMo (social-local-mobile) context to create a digital community noticeboard. She blogs about journalism, social media, local news and online communities and is also a regular writer at The Guardian's Northerner blog
Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before
Steven Flower will talk about how Salford Lads' Club utilises a chance connection with the 1980's band The Smiths to help preserve and continue its 100 year legacy of providing services to young people and to continue to "Brighten Young Lives and Make Good Citizens" (its motto) using Social Media Surgeries, Digital library of fans on Flickr and much more…
Struggling To Get Your Voice Heard?
Maintaining quality in an age of quantity; Lynette Cawthra was appointed Manager at the Working Class Movement Library in 2006 with a remit to 'explore, develop, and implement methods of presenting the resources of the Library in new, more exciting and accessible ways'. At a time of public expectation of ever-present access to digital information and yet also of severe funding cuts, how can this be achieved?
12:00 Light lunch and informal networking
13:00 ”Pecha Kucha“ from researchers and practitioners in the Heritage area
14:00 Keynote speakers
15:50 Closing remarks
How to book?
If you would like to attend this free event, please complete an online booking form by visiting:
Places are limited please book early - before 7th November - at
Guests are invited to participate in this event by submitting a Pecha Kucha. See tips for presenters ( and submit your slides by 1st November by emailing and
For more information please contact us:
Liz Walker on 0161 295 2888
Elena Vasilieva on 0161 295 3510
Official Website:
Added by SalfordUni on October 31, 2011