The objective of the Innovation Reading Circle is to help develop theory around innovation (considering technology, design, society and organisation) by facilitating rich, high-level and well-informed public discussion around key and related texts and discourses. The Reading Circle will encourage reasoned debate with no ideas considered out of bounds. To facilitate this, the text(s) for each Reading Circle will be introduced by one participant and chaired by another.
The theme of this event is The social shaping of technology and the title to be discussed is ‘The Shock of the Old: Technology and Global History since 1900’ by Professor David Edgerton.
There is no cost to attend this event. Reading Circles have to date been invitation only. If you would like to participate, please contact Nico Macdonald with information on your background and interests.
Official Website:
Added by nico_macdonald on March 31, 2007
Future Innovation Reading Circle events will be publicised and managed via the Innovation Reading Circle group on Facebook. If you would like to be informed about events please apply to join this group.
Notes on this event available from me on request. 'Use Send this user a Note'.