175 Forest St
Waltham, Massachusetts 02452

Join us on April 3, 2013 for our Innovation Games Certification Course: Innovation Games for Agile Teams training.
Completion of the course designates you as a Certified Innovation Games Facilitator, Yellow Belt. (For more information on Certification and Belt Levels, see the Innovation Games website.)
Course Description
Many of the practices and processes followed by agile teams are enhanced and improved through the integration of Innovation Games®. This one-day certification course will enable agile practitioners to put Innovation Games to use to identify customer requirements, improve retrospectives, prioritize backlogs, create better release plans and much more.
Innovation Games® are serious games that can be used to deliver cost-effective market research for Agile teams and super-charge the product planning process. Based on the book of the same name by Luke Hohmann, Innovation Games® power innovation by enabling you to better understand your customers.

This course will help you gain a better understanding of how to apply these games within the context of an Agile development process. While there is a lot to love about Agile development, many practices can get pretty tiresome. Retrospectives stop working when teams become bored with answering the same three questions (“what worked, what didn’t work, what should we change?”). Prioritizing a product backlog in a single meeting before, or during, release planning using a spreadsheet isn’t very engaging. Developing and presenting a product roadmap using PowerPoint gets pretty old, especially when you can’t find a way to show the growth in functionality of your product.

Official Website: http://innovationgames.com/2013/02/innovation-games-for-agile-teams/

Added by tamisriram on February 21, 2013

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